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[tensorflow] how to save the filter weights of the trained network as matfile ** 학습한 network를 읽어서 mat 파일 형식으로 저장하기 ** ** transfer training In this post, I will show you how to save the filter weights of the trained network as mat file format.First, you need to read the following post. 2017/07/18 - [Deep Learning] - [tensorflow] how to save trained network2017/07/18 - [Deep Learning] - [tensorflow] how to freeze trained network (make one pb file)2017/07/18 - [Deep Learning.. 더보기
how to read/save an image as bmp in python cv2.imread(parse_file_name_read(read_dir, countFrames))cv2.imwrite(parse_file_name_save(save_dir, countFrames), image) 더보기
[tensorflow] About using trained NN in C++ ** tensorflow에서 학습한 network를 C++에서 사용 ** In the previous post (visit 2017/07/18 - [Deep Learning] - [tensorflow] how to load and use CNN in C++), I described how to load the CNN trained by using tensorflow and how to use the CNN in C++. In the example, I assumed that the CNN output is of size (1x1). The following example shows how to access the output of CNN whose size is greater than (1x1). Enj.. 더보기
[tensorflow] How to make tfrecord file for training ** training data image들로 부터 tfrecord 만들기 ** ** Assume you have saved 100 images at 'file_path'. The corresponding labels are stored in label.csv file. That is, one integer value label per RGB image. // PSEUDO CODE //////////////////////////////////////import tensorflow as tfimport something def _bytes_feature(value): return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value])) def _int6.. 더보기
[tensorflow] how to save trained network ** tensorflow에서 학습한 network 저장하기 **** Following pseduo code will create 5 files at the location "net_dir" 1) checkpoint_state2) input_graph.pb 3) saved_checkpoint-0.data-00000-of-000014) saved_checkpoint-0.index5) saved_checkpoint-0.meta /// PSEUDO CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////import tensorflow as tfimport something # path where trained network to.. 더보기