Useful command 1. compile cpp file that includes opencv library path using g++$ g++ test.cpp -o test `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` 2. build cpp file using bazel~tensorflow) $ bazel build tensorflow/project/... 3. remove folder command (ubuntu)$ sudo rm -r foldername 4. data type change pythona = np.zeros(10) # floata_ = a.astype('int8') # int8 5. python sqrt functionimport matha = math.sqrt(4)print(a)-> .. 더보기 [opencv] how to install opencv on ubuntu ** 우분투에서 opencv 설치하기 ** Background: ubuntu16.04LTS + python 2.7 step1) install required libraries (See step2) download opencv source from terminal $ cd ~$ wget -0$ unzip step3) Do cmake. (In my case, the option "D WITH_FFMPEG=OFF" is essential for .. 더보기 [opencv] how to install opencv for python under anaconda+window10 ** 윈도우상에서 anaconda python을 위한 opencv 설치 ** Background: windows10-64bit, anaconda4.3.22, python3.6 step1) open anaconda prompt and check the version of the installed python. In my case, python3.6.x. step2) downgrade python to 3.5 by typing the following command on the prompt. $conda install python=3.5 (* In my case, installing opencv under python3.6 doesn't work at all. I don't know why...) step3.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 63 64 65 66 67 다음