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[Nvidia] graphic card driver installation fail error. "Kernel module failed to build" error.


** GTX 1070 엔비디아 그래픽카드 우분투 설치 오류

On my desktop, Ubuntu 16.04LTS is installed as OS. Sometime, I fall into infinite log-in error (See

2017/07/18 - [Linux] - [nvidia] How to deal with infinite log-in error). 

Everytime I meet the same error, I used to re-install graphic card driver (GTX 1070).

Today, the same error occurs surely. So I tried to re-install graphic card driver using the file "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.39.run".

However, I faced the following error message during the installation

"Kernel module failed to build..."

I tried many methods and finally found that the newest version of the driver is released and the driver solves the problem.


Please, visit Nvidia download website and download the file.!!!

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