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[nvidia] How to deal with infinite log-in error


** 우분투 무한 로그인 에러 해결 **

Background : ubuntu16.04LTS + gtx1070

After installing GPU driver (downloaded from NVIDIA homepage) on ubuntu, I sometimes encounter 'infinite log-in error'.

This is my temporary solution. "Just re-install"

step1) open terminal by typing 'ctrl+alt+f1'

step2) type password for log-in

step3) move to directory where the graphic card driver installation file exists. (NVIDIA-XXX.run file downloaded from NVIDIA website)

step4) remove the installed graphic card driver by typing

$ sudo sh NVIDIA*.run --uninstall

step5) reboot by typing  

$ sudo reboot now

step6) open terminal by  'ctrl+alt+f1'

step7) move to the directory and reinstall the graphic card driver by typing
$ sudo service lightdm stop
$ sudo init 3
$ sudo sh NVIDIA*.run 

$ sudo reboot now

( **What is 'infinite log-in error'? You cannot log-in ubuntu system. You see (repeatedly) ubuntu log-in page everytime you type your log-in password.)