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Think, Think of, Think about


기본적으로 Think는 '생각하다'의 뜻을 가지고 있는데 뒤에 of와 about이 붙으면 어떻게 달라질까?


1) Think : 기본적인 '생각하다'의 뜻을 가지고 있고, 단독으로 쓰이는 경우 보통 뒤에 that절이 붙는다.


ex) I think that she is upset now.

ex) I think that it will rain tomorrow.


2) Think of : (과거의 일이나, 새로운 idea 등을) '생각해내다'에 가까운듯. recall 또는 come up with로 대체 가능함.


ex) Can you think of any solutions to the problems?

ex) I can't think of her name


3) Think about : '고려하다'에 더 가까운듯. consider, examinate으로 대체 가능함.


ex) I need some time to think about your proposal

ex) Let's think about the consequences before we make a decision.