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Pathlib 사용 예제

from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path

def resize_and_crop_image(img, resize_dims, crop):
    img = img.resize(resize_dims, resample=Image.BILINEAR)
    img = img.crop(crop)
    return img

# current working directory
cwd = Path.cwd()

# add path
cfg_path = cwd.parent / 'config/CVTpro/data.json'
cfg = read_json(path=str(cfg_path))

# Image resize and crop
ori_dims = (cfg['original_image']['w'], cfg['original_image']['h'])
resize_dims = (cfg['image']['w'], cfg['image']['h'] + cfg['image']['top_crop'])
crop = (0, cfg['image']['top_crop'], resize_dims[0], resize_dims[1])
img_aug_params = {'scale_width': resize_dims[0] / ori_dims[0],
                       'scale_height': resize_dims[1] / ori_dims[1],
                       'resize_dims': resize_dims,
                       'crop': crop}

# initialize path
root = Path('/home/dooseop/DATASET/nuscenes/samples')

# find all the files or directories
directories = list(root.glob('*'))

# create a new directory
new_path = root.parent / 'samples_new'
if (new_path.exists() is not True):
    new_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# 'nuscenes/samples/FOLDER_NAME
for _, dir in enumerate(directories):

	# splits into 		
    FOLDER_NAME = dir.parts[-1]
    if (FOLDER_NAME == 'LIDAR_TOP'):

    # check files in current dir
    files = list(dir.glob('*'))

    # create target folder
    new_dir = new_path / FOLDER_NAME
    if (new_dir.exists() is not True):
        new_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # copy from dir to new_dir
    for _, file in enumerate(tqdm(files, desc=f'{FOLDER_NAME}')):
        # file name, suffix, stem
        file_name = file.name
        file_suffix = file.suffix
        file_stem = file.stem

        # Surround Image
        img = Image.open(file)
        img = resize_and_crop_image(img, resize_dims=img_aug_params['resize_dims'],

        new_file_path = new_dir / file_stem
        # add suffix