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[tensorflow] How to install pycharm+anaconda+tensorflow(gpu) on window10


** 윈도우10에서 파이참, 아나콘다, tensorflow 설치 **

Background: windows10-64bit, gtx-1070, CUDA8.0, cudnn8.0


step1) download an anaconda installation file from the website and install



step2) download a pycharm installation file from the website and install



step3) run pycharm and create an empty project.


step4) go [file]-[settings]-[Project Interpreter], then you must see that the project interpreter is set to the path where the anaconda and the corresponding python are installed. For example, C:\Users\user\Anaconda3\python.exe.




step5) double click one of the installed packages, then a new window will pop up. Next, type 'tensorflow-gpu' and install it.